Rules and Regulations

Every Association Needs Guidelines for Safe Enjoyment of Common Areas
To follow are the rules and regulations for the Lake Conway Residents' Association. Please read carefully, thank you.


Your dues do a lot of good in this neighborhood and the LCERA board works hard to keep them low. Every September, paid dues provide you with an invitation to neighborhood events as well as access to member-only tennis courts and to the lake lot on the beautiful Lake Conway chain of lakes.


Association dues are $175 if paid by check or cash and $180 if paid via Stripe on the association Web site at If dues are paid before the annual meeting, members will receive a discount of $25. Dues are non-refundable.


Once dues are paid, Lake Conway Estates residents will be issued one permanent restricted access card which works at all access locations: slide gate and pedestrian gate at the lake lot and the tennis courts. This card will remain active with payment each year. The access card is the property of the association.


It is prohibited for residents to loan out the restricted access card. If an access card is used without the resident member present, it may result in deactivation of the card and potential denial of membership into association for subsequent year(s).


If an access card is reported lost or stolen, it will be deactivated. The cost for a replacement access card is $50 if paid by cash or check and $55 if paid via Stripe on the association Web site. In the event of a home sale or move, membership is non-transferable. The access card will be deactivated, and the new resident must pay dues for that residence for the access card to be reactivated.


All access cards expire following the annual meeting in September that have not paid for the new association year. Cards will be reactivated once dues are paid.


Member boat owners must provide their state-validated watercraft trailer registration to receive a trailer sticker. An LCERA sticker will be issued to the boat owner and should be affixed to the boat trailer on the left side of the tongue. Members with more than one watercraft trailer will be issued additional stickers, when appropriate trailer registration information is provided. A sticker must be visible on the trailer to park in the lake lot. New stickers are issued for each membership year.


  1. Recreation areas are open from one hour before dawn until 10 p.m.
  2. Recreation areas are for the use of LCERA members and their guests only. An association member must accompany guests at all times. Members may not use the recreation areas for business use of any kind, may not charge for access or earn any income by use of the recreation areas. Non-members, including guests, who are discovered using the lake lot facilities unaccompanied by a member are subject to trespass warnings and possible arrest.
  3. For the safety and protection of our members, all recreation areas are to remain locked at all times. Gates should be open only when entering and leaving. LCERA accepts no responsibility for loss or injuries during the use of the lake lot and tennis court recreation areas. Use of these areas is at your own risk.
  4. Orange County requires all dogs to be on a leash when off their owner’s property or on any public property. Members also are required to pick up after their dog.
  5. A responsible adult must accompany small children at all times.
  6. No littering.
  7. No glass containers.
  8. No alcoholic beverages, drugs or profanity.


  1. Boat trailer parking at the lake lot is for members only. Guests are not permitted to park their trailers in the lot.
  2. Streetside parking is prohibited directly in front of the lake lot.
  3. Vehicles without trailers are strongly encouraged to park on the street nearby on weekends and holidays. Kayaks & SUP owners may unload and then park on the street.
  4. No parking in trailer turn-around area.
  5. No bikes or motor vehicles are allowed on dock or sand beach.
  6. No overnight parking.
  7. No watercraft in the swimming area (west side of dock).
  8. Fishermen must use caution when other people are in the area.
  9. No running or pushing on the dock and no jumping from the dock.
  10. For skiers, taking off from or landing in the boating, swimming or dock areas is prohibited.
  11. No ramp use after posted hours, except in special circumstances (boat parade, holidays) or unless permission has been received from council in advance.


  1. No hard-soled shoes or shoes with heels on courts.
  2. Maximum waiting time for a court is one hour.
  3. No bikes, roller skates, skateboards or motorized vehicles on tennis courts.
  4. No overnight parking.
Violation of any of these rules may result in the residents’ access being revoked. The resident’s access card will be deactivated for the remaining part of the membership year.
In the event a resident notices violation of any of these rules, he or she should notify the board by sending an e-mail to [email protected] -or- call/text us at 407-602-4994